24 Feb How Learning Cube Academy is different from Montessori Schools?
Many of today’s Montessori schools combine the original system with more modern components, but the Montessori Method refers to a teaching philosophy developed by Italian physician and educator Dr. Maria Montessori. This philosophy inspired much of what we know about early childhood education today, and it has been a popular approach for more than 100 years. It focuses on independence, hands-on learning, and a thoughtfully designed environment which, together, help build a foundation that prepares children for the real world.
What is LCA’s Approach?
LCA uses a proven, research-informed early childhood curriculum that balances insights from a variety of leading early education experts, including Dr. Montessori, with modern wisdom from the latest child development research. This approach focuses on helping children develop intellectual, creative, physical, social-emotional, and life skills in authentic, age-appropriate ways tailored to each child.
Mixed-Age Grouping: Mixed-age grouping is an important aspect of the Montessori Method. This environment encourages children to learn from and help other children. Seeing others at different stages and with varied abilities helps children appreciate their own achievements and lets them learn at their own pace without feeling the need to keep up with the class. Also, staying in a classroom for a longer period of time, often 0 to 18 months, 18 months to 3 years, and 3 to 6 years means teachers have a greater familiarity with each child and better understand their strengths and needs.
Workspaces: Montessori classrooms offer a variety of workspaces with purposefully designed materials. Children are free to explore the activity of their choosing as they gain practical skills and abstract knowledge. Teachers introduce new items and support when needed, but children mainly follow hands-on, self-directed learning individually or with others.
No Daily Schedule: In these classrooms, there is no daily schedule. This approach fosters independence, confidence, self-discipline, social interaction, and more, and the environment it creates promotes behavioral and emotional development as much as academic learning.
Learning Cube Academy
Age-Specific Grouping: While Montessori classrooms combine various ages, LCA children are grouped into age-specific classrooms with a curriculum that caters to different developmental stages. LCA approach incorporates various forms of instruction to help each child reach his or her full learning potential.
Workspaces: LCA classrooms offer a variety of workspaces called Children’s Choice Learning Centers. At certain times throughout the day, children are free to explore these stations, which contain developmentally appropriate materials such as art supplies, books, blocks/math manipulatives, science/sensory experiences, and dramatic play. These stations allow children to satisfy their natural desire to explore and discover while practicing social-emotional skills like interacting with peers and taking turns. Along with teacher-guided lessons, these stations encourage children to practice a simplified version of the design thinking process as they overcome challenges in both individual and small-group experiences. In doing so, they learn problem-solving and collaboration skills that will benefit them for life.
Daily Schedule: In LCA, a daily schedule creates structure and routine, which helps young children in a number of ways including giving them a sense of control over their environment, helping them feel safe and secure, and letting them know what comes next. As children engage in the repetition that comes from these routines, they learn how to develop competence and confidence in their skills.
Every child is unique, and a teaching style that works well for one child may not suit another. At their core, LCA and Montessori share many of the same beliefs about the importance of early education and the need to prepare children for an ever-evolving future, but each approach takes a different path to get there.
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