3 Year Olds

Choose between 3-day or 5-day programs (half-day-full-day or extended-day programs)

Three year olds are dynamic, full of energy and are moving away from the “me” world to the world of fantasy and imagination. They are eager learners and are much more independent as they show increased communication skills and gain control over their motor skills. We have to foster their independence yet, teach them to be safe. This is accomplished by introducing daily routines and providing positive guidance. At Learning Cube Academy, they are engaged in diverse activities that will kindle their curiosity to grow academically and developmentally. Theme-based, integrated curriculum includes early literacy skills like alphabet recognition and their sounds paired with receptive and expressive language development. Math concepts like spatial perception and logical calculations along with scientific investigations are part of everyday activities.

Imaginative play and interaction with other children builds strong social and emotional skills. Art, crafts, music, and movement will encourage the children to develop fine and gross motor skills. Furthermore, early handwriting concepts like pencil grasp and proper letter formation are woven into the daily activities. Use of the “magic” words like please and thank you are enforced to promote good manners and develop a respect for people, places and belongings.